Saturday, December 6, 2008


Its not a sin to be transsexual because in the beginning we all are female are sex is evolve befor we are born but some time the body is going one way and the mind going the opposite way.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Mary mother of Jesus

According to mainstream Christian doctrine Mary remained a virgin at least until the birth of Jesus. Most Protestants do not specifically claim that Mary remained a virgin after the birth of Jesus, but the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox Churches, many in the Anglican Church, and some Protestant sects maintain that Mary also remained a virgin throughout the rest of her life.
The New Testament recounts her presence at important stages during her son's adult life (e.g., at the Wedding at Cana and at his crucifixion). Also, she was present at communal prayers immediately after Jesus' Ascension. Narratives of her life are further elaborated in later Christian apocrypha, who give the names of her parents as Joachim and Anne. Christian churches teach various doctrines concerning Mary, and she is the subject of much veneration. The area of Christian theology concerning her is known as Mariology. The conception of her Son Jesus is believed to have been an act of the Holy Spirit, and to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah that a virgin would bear a son who would be called Immanuel ("God with us"). The Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, and the Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches venerate her as the Ever-Virgin Mother of God (Theotokos), who was specially favored by God's grace (Catholics hold that she was conceived without original sin) and who, when her earthly life had been completed, was assumed bodily into Heaven. Some Protestants, including certain Lutherans and Methodists embrace veneration of Mary and also hold some of these doctrines. Others, especially in the Reformed tradition, question or even condemn the devotional and doctrinal position of Mary in the above traditions. Mary also holds a revered position in Islam.
The Roman Catholic tradition has a well established philosophy for the study and veneration of the Virgin Mary via the field of Mariology with Pontifical schools such as the Marianum specifically devoted to this task.

Each angel has a voice it's own

Each angel has a voice it's own,Vocally distinct,Even as it longs for home,Lured to Being's brink.Yet billions, billions sing as one,Nearer than they think.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Joseph "Elephant Man" Merrick

Joseph Merrick was born to Mary Jane Potterton and Joseph Rockley Merrick. Because of an error made by Sir Frederick Treves in his book, The Elephant Man and Other Reminiscences, Merrick is sometimes erroneously referred to by the name John Merrick. He was the eldest of three and had a younger brother and sister. In an autobiographical note which appeared on the reverse side of his freak show pamphlet, Merrick mentions that his deformity began developing at the age of three with small bumps appearing on the left side of his body. His mother died when he was 12. According to family accounts, she was physically disabled too. His father remarried, but his stepmother did not want young Joseph. Obliged to earn a living by selling goods on the street, Merrick was constantly harassed by local children. Unable to bring home a profit and tired of fighting with his stepmother, Merrick left home.
Twice ending up in the Leicester Union workhouse, Merrick was unemployable for most of his life. On August 29, 1884, he took a job as a sideshow performer where he was treated decently and earned a considerable sum of money. At one point during his sideshow career, Merrick was exhibited in the back of an empty shop on Mile End Road in London (now called the London Sari Centre), where he was seen by the physician Frederick Treves (later knighted). As Treves recalled decades later in his memoirs, he gave Merrick one of his business cards in the event that Merrick would be willing to submit to medical examination. The two men then went their separate ways. When sideshows were outlawed in the United Kingdom in 1886, Merrick traveled to Belgium to find work. There, he was mistreated and ultimately abandoned by a showman, who stole Merrick's savings of £50 (worth approximately £3,900 in 2007 currency).
After making his way back to London, Merrick inadvertently caused a disturbance in Liverpool Street train station. Suffering from a severe bronchial infection and hampered by his deformities, Merrick was barely able to speak intelligibly. However, he had taken care to retain Treves' business card, and Treves was duly summoned by the authorities. In his role as physician at London Hospital, Treves arranged for Merrick to be given permanent quarters there. Merrick thrived in these circumstances.
He became something of a celebrity in Victorian high society. Alexandra of Denmark, then Princess of Wales and later Queen Consort, developed a kindly interest in Merrick, leading other members of the upper class to embrace him. He eventually became a favorite of Queen Victoria. However, Treves later commented that Merrick always wanted, even after living at the hospital, to go to a hospital for the blind where he might find a woman who would not be repelled by his appearance. In his final years, he found some solace in writing and visiting the countryside.
In the summer of 1887, he spent some weeks at the Fawsley Hall estate, Northamptonshire. Special measures were taken for his journey, and he was forced to travel in a carriage with blinds drawn to avoid attracting attention. He greatly enjoyed his time away from urban London, made many new friends and collected wild flowers to take back with him to London. He visited again in 1888 and 1889. He was cared for at the hospital until his death at the age of 27 on April 11, 1890, apparently from the accidental dislocation of his neck due to its inability to support the weight of his massive head in sleep. Merrick, unable to sleep reclining due to the weight of his head, may have tried to do so in this instance, in an attempt to imitate normal behavior. The Coroner at his inquest was Wynne Edwin Baxter, who had come to prominence during the notorious Jack the Ripper murders of 1888 when he had likewise presided at the inquests of several of the victims.

Merrick's preserved skeleton was previously on display at the Royal London Hospital. While his remains can no longer be viewed by the public, there is a small museum focused on his life, which houses some of his personal effects and period Merrick memorabilia.

Joseph Merrick was originally thought to be suffering from elephantiasis. In 1971, Ashley Montagu suggested in his book The Elephant Man: A Study in Human Dignity that Merrick suffered from neurofibromatosis type I, a genetic disorder also known as von Recklinghausen's disease. This disease is still strongly associated with Merrick in the public mind; However, it was postulated in 1986 that Merrick actually suffered from Proteus syndrome, previously diagnosed by Michael Cohen seven years earlier.
Unlike neurofibromatosis, Proteus syndrome, named for the shape-shifting god Proteus, affects tissue other than nerves, and is a sporadic rather than genetic transmitted disorder. In July 2003, Dr. Charis Eng announced that DNA tests on samples of Merrick's hair and bone showed no mutation in the PTEN gene (only present in some Proteus syndrome sufferers), and as a result, could not prove that Merrick suffered Proteus syndrome. It was suggested that Merrick may have suffered a combination of Proteus syndrome and Neurofibromatosis type I. It is yet common for his condition to be mistakenly referred to as elephantiasis.
In 2002, a television research team, along with genealogists, put out a BBC appeal to trace the Merrick family line. In response to the appeal, a Leicester resident named Pat Selby was discovered to be the granddaughter of Merrick's uncle. A research team took her DNA samples in order to try to diagnose the condition that caused his deformities. The investigation also discovered that Merrick's sister, Marion Eliza, suffered from myelitis. Marion Eliza died at the age of 23 of severe food poisoning.
Merrick's condition greatly affected his social relation and his views of himself

Little is known about Merrick's family. He was named after his father, Joseph Rockley Merrick (March 1838–January 30, 1897), who was born in Leicester to Sarah Rockley, the third wife of Barnabas Merrick (August 23, 1792–12 April, 1856). Joseph Sr. married the reportedly "crippled" Mary Jane Potterton on December 29, 1861.
Their oldest son, Joseph, was born on August 5, 1862, in Leicester. Their younger son, William Arthur Merrick, was born on January 8, 1866, followed by their daughter Marion Eliza Merrick on September 28, 1867. William contracted scarlet fever and died on December 21, 1870. Marion Eliza had been disabled since birth, but would survive until March 19, 1891, dying from a seizure.
The Elephant Man, the film released on October 3, 1980, features Mary Jane's son "John" speaking highly of her. "She has the face of an angel," he says. John (Joseph) is depicted looking at a small picture of his mother very often in the film.
Mary Jane died from bronchial pneumonia on May 19, 1873. Joseph was re-married to Emma Wood Antill on December 3, 1874, and she soon convinced her new husband to send the deformed Joseph away.

Early biographies of Merrick inaccurately give his first name as John, an error repeated in many later versions, including the 1980 film The Elephant Man. This error arose and propagated because most of the early works including Ashley Montagu's The Elephant Man: A Study in Human Dignity and Frederick Drimmer's Very Special People, used as research the memoirs of Sir Frederick Treves, written many years after his first-hand experience with Merrick. Treves misreported Merrick's first name as John, causing Montagu and Drimmer to repeat this error in good faith. Montagu's book, in an appendix, quotes a document by Dr. F.C. Carr Gomm, written shortly after Merrick's death, in which Gomm correctly identifies Merrick as Joseph; Montagu dismisses this as Gomm's error. The stage play identifies Merrick as John throughout, except when Gomm (also a character in this play) reads aloud the same document later quoted by Montagu, correctly naming him as Joseph Merrick. In the play, Treves considers this an error, "correcting" Gomm by remarking, "John. John Merrick." The film From Hell also contains what may be a tongue-in-cheek reference to this historical disagreement: in a scene where Merrick is depicted, the character introducing Merrick refers to him correctly as Joseph Merrick but an unseen guest "corrects" him by whispering loudly "John Merrick!" This has been a common mistake for the past century.

"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man.

A poem by Isaac Watts that Joseph Merrick would use to end his letters

he is Patron saint in Lovetarian
saint to human oddities and sideshows abandoned children

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Guardian Angel prayer

Angel of God, my guardian dear
to whom God's love commits me here.
Ever this day/night be at my side
to light, to guard, to rule and guide.

A Clowns Prayer

Dear Lord,Help me to create more laughter than tears,dispense more happiness than gloom,spread more cheer than despair. Never let me grow so big that I fail to see the wonder in the eyes of a childor the twinkle in the eyes of the aged.Never let me forgetthat I am a clown, that my work is to cheer them up,to make people happy, to help them forget the unpleasant things in their lives. Help me Lord,in all that I do, to bring each life I touch,a little closer to you.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Joan of Arc

Born Jehanne d'Arc in the small French village of Domrémy-la-Pucelle in the present day department of the Vosges, she was the 4th of five children born to Jacques d'Arc and Isabelle Romée. Jeanne was devoutly religious as a child, and in early adolescence began having visitations from St. Michael, St. Margaret and St. Catherine. Around age 15 her visions prompted her to seek out Charles, the dauphin of France, and assist him in ascending to the throne. Jeanne rallied the confused armies of France and led them into battle against the English, who for nearly a hundred years had challenged the rulers of France for possession of a large part of the country. The retaking of Orleans began her successful military campaign, which ultimately led Jeanne and Charles to the city of Reims in July 1429 for his coronation as King. The English continued to hold much territory and a series of political intrigues resulted in Jeanne's capture and imprisonment by the enemy. The English enlisted the aid of the corrupt Bishop Cauchon to rid themselves of Jeanne d'Arc, who had the admiration and devotion of all the people of France. After a lengthy trial by a court of inquisition, the Church found Jeanne guilty of heresy and witchcraft, and turned her over to English authorities for execution. Jeanne was burned at the stake in the marketplace of Rouen on the morning of May 30, 1431. She died with her eyes on the cross and the name of Jesus on her lips. The authorities instructed the executioner to scatter Jeanne's ashes to the winds, so there would be no chance of a relic remaining to inspire veneration by the people. Despite repeated attempts to complete the incineration, the executioner found that Jeanne's heart would not burn. He is quoted as saying, "I have burned a Saint!" He scattered her ashes from the ancient bridge, replaced by the Pont Boiëldieu in 1896. There, he threw her heart into the waters of the River Seine, and it became one with the Heart of France. Twenty-five years later, through great effort of her mother and brother, the Church overturned the guilty verdict and cleared her name. Even before canonization, which didn't come until 1920, she was regarded as one of the Patron Saints of France. Jeanne's leadership and martyrdom brought about the end of the Hundred Years War and unified the country of France. The French people consider her their greatest patriot and in many ways the founder of their country. Today a monument in Rouen is inscribed with the words of André Malraux: "O Jeanne, without sepulchre, without portrait, you know that the tomb of heroes is the heart of the living."

she is Patron saint in Lovetarian
saint to France; martyrs; captives; militants; people ridiculed for their piety; prisoners; soldiers; Women Appointed for Voluntary Emergency Service; Women's Army Corps